Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Good or Bad Habit?

I would like to share one of my habits,for some reason or the other since i was a kid i have this habit of looking at people's shoes. Now i categorize people according to their shoes sometimes its fun because i never know if what i expect of that peorson is what that person will become to is just a matter of time to know whether i was right or wrong.

Simics' poem characterizes shoes as the "secret face of my inner life." So tell me what else knows all your moves, knows where you are going and where you have been, and holds your mysteries? Simic hits on the shoe's humility, its ability to offer guidance, patience, and intimacy.

Something so simple like shoes can tell many different stories so just use your imajination..let it go wild...andbelieve you me it will be fun to find out how right or how wrong you were :-)


Jeffrey Cheng - NightOwl413 said...

So I wore my infamous grey slippers to class today. What category does that put me in now. ;)

Kieran Ryan said...

Nice page Jeff! Hey 10 10 part a is not wrong! But you have to do it differently if you want to do part b correctly!

Anonymous said...

I never know that shoes relate to ones inner being. How does the categorisation go by?

Beatriz said...

it is not ones inner being..its the outer u that it says about..jejej